Sciton BBL
Home | Non Surgical | Laser Treatments | Sciton BBL
The skin is one of the first signs of aging as it is commonly affected by unwanted pigmentation, sunspots, wrinkles, veins, and overall dullness.

About Sciton BBL
While nothing can truly prevent or reverse aging, we do have several tools that can slow the process and help correct damage that has already been done. Peak Plastic Surgery Center is pleased to offer BBL (Broadband Light) the most powerful IPL (intense pulsed light) device on the market. BBL helps to remove brown spots, even out skin texture, reduce the appearance of veins, and erase underlying sun damage. BBL has been shown to take years off of your complexion and improve overall skin health.
What Is BBL
(Broadband Light)?
Before & After

What Can I Expect During My Appointment?
Our providers will perform a thorough skin analysis to determine if BBL is the right treatment for you. Several questions will be asked about your medical history and a plan will be made. It is best to be off of retinols and avoid excessive sun exposure one week prior to your treatment. Typically numbing is not needed for BBL and can sometimes create more redness on the skin which the laser targets as pigment.
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